Phlebotomy 24hr (Blood Draw Training) Short Effective Blood draw training 1 day course (24 hr) course registration is good for 1 yr (365 days; means if you need to reschedule, you have 1 year). Cost includes: *Effective Hands on class session in Blood draw Training *All Blood Draw supplies provided *Phlebotomy Examination included onsite & *Phlebotomy 24 hr Certificate of completion at end of course. Practice Exam is available & allows you to practice until confident to take the actual examination. Phlebotomy practice exam link below. Online & Class Option 1st Enroll & attend hands-on practice skills class & complete the examination at the end. Or Online Session Review the course, complete Competency Skills at your workplace or with an RN, Physician, or Dentist. Return skills sheets to trainforsuccessinc2@gmail.com for online exam instructions. Print your certificate after passing the online exam. This course offers an in-depth understanding of Phlebotomy, its purpose, the integumentary system, the vascular system. It covers legal & professional standards, infection control, managing venipuncture-related incidents. The course includes classroom option if needed, clinical instruction, hands-on venipuncture training, with practice on manikins using vacutainer, butterfly & syringe methods. It's ideal for LPN, RN, new graduates, all Nurses, Graduate Nurses, Midwives, Dentistry personnel, Medical Assistants, RT, ER Tech, Patient Care Technicians CNA, healthcare providers with Phlebotomy in their scope of practice and those who want to learn. CLASS LOCATION 1215 Sumner St Auburndale, FL 33823 CLASS DATE: -------------------- PM Schedule Time: 1:30 pm- 4:30 pm 04/05 Sat 04/12 Sat 05/03 Sat 05/17 Sat 06/07 Sat Phlebotomy Practice Exam is available $49.99 practice until confident to take the exam see the link below: https://www.trainforsuccessinc.com/challenge-page/a1dad112-5876-42f8-82e9-01a6e51d00e2
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app